Yogyakarta, ID agustiekadyahlarasati@gmail.com +62

“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 8: Tata Cara atau Adabnya Orang Berdoa

Article by Prof. Dr. Marsigit,M.A.
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

Prayer becomes something that permeated in every Muslims, because prayer is direct communication of a servant to the Creator. Prayer is a bridge where people can talk, ask, beg and hope.

Thus, a Muslim is emphasized to pray to God in good and hard times, and in a moment when we were alone and we were together with a lot of people, so that we will gain reward from Allah SWT. Indeed, in the prayer will  be seemed the submission and the needs of a servant to Allah SWT.

Considering the importance of prayer, then there are some ethics that we should apply in praying. Some examples of them has been mentioned in the elegy above, as prayed continuously, opening and closing the prayer with a flattering, praising and glorifying God, then read shalawat to the Prophet.


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