Yogyakarta, ID agustiekadyahlarasati@gmail.com +62

“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Jargon Pertengkaran Tradisional dan Inovatif

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

In the traditional method of teaching, the teachers always behave as if he/she is the only resources of learning mathematics for the students.. In this method, teachers always deliver or give their knowledge to the students. The students just act as a receiver on class, just be a listener, just sit on their chair and waiting for their teachers knowledge to be transfered to them. So that, this method also called as a transfer of knowledge method of teaching. This method of teaching is the most method that most of us used to experienced in the elementary school, junior on maybe in our senior high school. In the inovative approach of teaching learning mathematics the paradigm is that the teacher must facilitate the students on their way to develop their knowledge. So, there is must be exist a trust between the teacher and the student. But, the mos important is, Good teacher are teacher that be able to facilitate their student well. So, as a teacher, we should improve our ability in facilitate the student.


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