Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 11: Memahami makna Taubat dan bertobat Nasuhah
Article by Prof. Dr.Marsigit,M.A.
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
Actually, no one human in this world freed from sin, although small. However, with blessings of Allah to His servants, He always gives us a chance to repent sin of all sins and mistakes. Repentance means that one feels regret and filled with remorse for his or her sins, turns to Allah with the intention to obey Him. Repentance is to repent from the heart, to train the heart into obedience and to make a resolution to never commit the sin again. Repentance is the most noble and beloved form of obedience in the eyes of Allah the All Mighty.
Tawbah Nasuh means a pure and sincere repentance that perfectly reforms and improves the one who feels it or in my opinion, this tawbah nasuh can be called as a genuine repentance.
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
Actually, no one human in this world freed from sin, although small. However, with blessings of Allah to His servants, He always gives us a chance to repent sin of all sins and mistakes. Repentance means that one feels regret and filled with remorse for his or her sins, turns to Allah with the intention to obey Him. Repentance is to repent from the heart, to train the heart into obedience and to make a resolution to never commit the sin again. Repentance is the most noble and beloved form of obedience in the eyes of Allah the All Mighty.
Tawbah Nasuh means a pure and sincere repentance that perfectly reforms and improves the one who feels it or in my opinion, this tawbah nasuh can be called as a genuine repentance.
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