Yogyakarta, ID agustiekadyahlarasati@gmail.com +62

“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

Elegi Mengapa Pendidik Malas Meneliti?

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

From the article above i can conclude that research is very important to be done by the teachers.
By doing some researches, teachers can be able to evaluate if their method was proper to teach their students. If they already know the plus and minus of their method of teaching, they will be able to improve the quality of their method of teaching. So that the learning process can run optimal. Beside that, by doing some research, teachers can publish their result of research so that the other teacher can learn from that result of research. And then, they can evaluate the result each other so the method of teaching in Indonesia can be improved.


Elegi Menggapai Belajar dan Mengajar

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

What an inspirational article !. From this article, we, as a teacher candidate, can get so many information that so important to develop our ability to be a great teacher. The information that very important is that teacher must be a great facilitator for their students. Its their responsibility to create some method of teaching that will enhance the students learning. The inovative method should be used because students have a different characters and theirlearning process mustnot be generalized. A teacher should be able to make an inovative method that can make their students learning something happily.


Constructing Mathematics Activity at Group-Discussion of The 6th Grade Students Of Primary Schools

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

I agree with you, Sir. The learning process for students should not be generalized. because students have different characters,then it make the way of thinking of every students diffferent too. And i think discussion method is one of a appropriate method that can be implemented in 6th grade students. In discussion method, they can easily share their ideas,they will feel free in showing their creativity. Then their learning process will become more effective because they will get some experiences that enhance their intuition that important for the future life. Other than that, students will become an open mindedperson that can help they to easily receive and process new information.


The Nature of Mathematics and School Mathematics

Article by Mr. Marsigit
reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

As a teacher, we should know that mathematics in school or mathematics for younger learner is different from pure mathematics. Mathematics in school should be a searching process of pattern and relationship, mathematics should be an activity, mathematics as a problem solving activity, and then mathematics should be a communication. Mathematics is everything that exist in the students daily life. So that students will easier and happier in learning mathematics.


The Nature of Teaching Learning Processes

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

Students have a different way of understanding something. So, learning process must not be generalized. The traditional method of teaching is a method that generalized the process of learning. Because it is teaching method that teacher centered,and in this method,students forced to do what the teachers want to do. In this method, the creativity of the student become limited. If student feel not free in learning, they will be easily get bored and get confused in every learning process. Its not good because the learning wont run effectively. So, as a teacher we should develop the new teaching method that wont make our student confused but make our student happy in learning something.


Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 21: Mengapa 3+4=7 kontradiktif? (Bagian Kesatu)

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

Mathematics for younger learner must be an activity,that is must be in the concrete form. We can not teach pure mathematics to the younger learner, because the nature of mathematics for the younger learner is a school mathematics. As a teacher, we should be able to use the appropriate languages in facilitating students in their learning process.


Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 9: School Mathematics

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

This article give us information about the nature of mathematics in school. School mathematics involves mathematics as the search of pattern or relationships, as problem solving activity, investigation activities, and as a communication. So, we can conclude that in school, mathematics should be an activity. so that, the students can see mathematics not as a science that hard to solve,but see mathematics as an activities that so many their activity in daily life was related to mathematics. They can realize that mathematics is in everywhere, happens in everytime and in everyway. Then they can learn mathematics easily and happily.


Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 5: Peran Intuisi dalam Mathematical Research

Article by Mr.Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

From this article,i can get an information that intuition is a way of thinking that comes suddenly and spontanously. Students can construct their own knowledge by using their intuition. Their intuition can be built by getting some experience so that they can explore their potential and use it to construct their knowledge. If they want to make some estimation, they can use their intuition. If the student have a better intuition, so their estimation will get better too.


Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 6: Apakah Matematika itu Ilmu?

Article by Mr.Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

From this article, we know that mathematics can be a science or not.  Mathematics can be a science if we do mathematics by our intuition.  Intuition only can be built by doing some activities, so that we can get so many experiences that can develop our intuition. Then we can use mathematics as a science in our daily life.


Sumber Penting untuk Pembelajaran Matematika

Article by Mr.Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

Thank you for sharing this link for us, sir. From this link we can get so many information that can enhance our ability to become a great teacher like you. In my opinion, you are one of a good example of a great teacher, because you always be a good facilitator for us in developing our english. For example,you are providing this blog that all of your students can read,make some comment or some reflecion from your articles.


Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 3: Budaya Matematika Menghasilkan Mathematical Intuition

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

From the elegy above,i can conclude that civilizing mathematics is one of an important thing to do. By civilizing mathematics to students,  they will be enriched by experiences in mathematics. it will automatically bring up the mathematical intuition in the student's selves.so that by the mathematical intuition that they already have,they can easily develop their potential in theprocess of getting knowledges.


Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 2: Intuisi dalam Matematika (2)

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

From the elegy above, i can take information that mathematical intuition is something that is very important in developing the potential of students in the future. But mathematical intuition will only emerged if the student are experiencing many processes in learning mathematics. So, as a teacher,we must be able to facilitate the students. With it, they can get new experiences in getting new formula though, so that they can develop their mathematical intuition.


Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 1: Intuisi dalam Matematika

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

From the elegy above,i can get information that intuition is a way of thinking that is very important to develop our potential.Intuition is something that every human being have, but intuition should be continuously trained so that it can be used optimally. ability to use intuition of a student will be developed if we as a teacher do not give alimitation in the learning process. we as a teacher should not determine by ourselves how to study forthem,we as a teacher should act as a great facilitator for our student,so that they can optimize their potential.


Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 23: Menggapai Cinta Ilahi

Article by Mr.Marsigit
reflected by Agusti Eka  Dyah Larasati

Every human being in this world want to reach and get the love of God into His servant.And that is required effort and struggle from us. not just only say "I love God"or "I love Allah" without going to receive and face the test from God to prove the truth of our love.
The love of God the Almighty is a true and highest love. And this love is worth of worship and even this love is an obligatory worship and thus the character of a faithful person.
Hopefully we can understand the true love and we can become the people who loved and blessed by Allah the Lord of Host


Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 22: Perkelahian Keburukan dan Kebaikan

article by Mr. Marsigit
reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

Goodness and badness definitely belong to every human being in this world because perfection only belongs to God. However,God is the most fair One. He always gives reward for whatever we have done.But,the rewards for good deeds is differentwith the reward of bad deeds. God gives the reward (pahala) for good deedsand sins for the bad deeds.

God gives reward to good deeds by his grace and to bad deeds by justice. When aservant do just one good deed, Allah will reward with a reward of at least ten goodness.On the other hand, when a servant doing one bad deed, then God will reward that deed by one sin too. God wont doing a dzalim to His servant. the good deed that already done by His servant, He wont decrease the reward.And also, wont add the sin as the reward of bad deed.

So,as a human being, dont let our row of count of our sin greater that our row of multiplication of our reward of good deeds.


Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 19: Tak Mampu Memikirkan Kapan Datangnya Kiamat

Article by Mr. Marsigit
reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

Elegy above teaches each of us to realize that only God knows exactly when the Dooms Day will occur. Even the Prophet Muhammad did not know exactly when the Dooms day will occur. Therefore, it can be seen clearly that the recognition of doomsdday in 2012 is just hoax and nonsense. Then as a human,we should be careful for the safety of our aqeedah from the things that can cause the damage of it.
In addition, we must believe to the end of the day that is the belief that the domms day will actually arrive or occur.


Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 14: Perjuangan Dewi Umaya dan Muhammad Nurikhlas

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

We should know that all of our form of wealth will be judged. Humans must know and realize that the wealth they have will be calculated in the Hereafter. Even small or large, that  will be recorded and will be asked the responsibility. Therefore they have to be careful in finding the property and spend it. Not to look for it in a forbidden way and spend it on something which Allah has forbide them. Furthermore people should abstain from enslavement by wealth.


Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 13: Memandang Wajah Rasulullah

Article by Mr. Marsigit
reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

What an amazing elegy, from the elegy above, i can draw a conclusion that people who say 2 sentences of syahadah means they admitted confidently in both spoken and hearts like they already saw eye to eye. Two sentences of syahadah are a unity that inseparable like two sides of the coin.
It is not enough to just says shahadah and just know their meaning, but syahadah must be practiced. Syahadah must be proven with concrete actions, for example we should hand over all of our deeds of worship to God and leave all forms of shirk to Allah. Then, we did all the good deeds of worship in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam.


Elegi Ritual IKhlas 10: Bermunajat Kepada Allah SWT

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

We must do a prayer to show devotion and obedience to Allah, because Prayer is one of the greatest forms of worship that Allah likes His servants to offer. To thank Him for creating us in the best form of creation.
Prayer is a chance for a Muslim to express to his Lord whatever he feels and needs through Divine Words of Allah i.e. the Qur'an. To remember his Lord and not forget His commands amid life's occupations. To ask Allah, The Exalted, to give us aid and continuous guidance in the darkness of life. To strengthen love and fear of Allah in the Muslim's heart so that we might remain sticking to the Right Path of Islam, and its laws and manners. Gaining good rewards from Allah and having our sins forgiven. To rejoice when we find ourselves on the Last Day pleased with the great reward allotted to him in the Gardens of Bliss.


Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 16: Menggapai Hamba Bersahaja

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

God gives gift to human the seed of goodness and the seed of badness in the heart. Fortunately for those who purify himself of his impurities. And woe to the person who contaminate his heart with badness.
Lust is a desire that is exist in every human’s heart. For example, the desire to eat, desire for procreation, and the desire to be respected and appreciated.

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 24: Menggapai Doa dan Ikhtiar

Article by Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

Effort that we did would be meaningless if it is not accompanied with prayer, as well as the prayers that we said, will not mean anything if we do not endeavor and trusts. Everything is inter-related and have a function in our lives.

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 15: Melawan Hawa Nafsu

Article by Prof. Dr. Marsigit,M.A
reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

Humans always tested with lust, not like animals, humans must have two absorbers, that is common sense and religion. Then humans are ordered to hand over all the lust to religion and common sense. And we should always abide by the decision of the two absorbers. 
Perfection only belongs to Allah SWT and not in human beings, but we have a mind and the mind can pick and sort out which ones are good and which are bad. May we always get the protection and guidance of God to always fight against lust, both this world and the hereafter to always get the pleasure in life. Amiin


Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 11: Memahami makna Taubat dan bertobat Nasuhah

Article by Prof. Dr.Marsigit,M.A.
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

Actually, no one human in this world freed from sin, although small. However, with blessings of Allah to His servants, He always gives us a chance to repent sin of all sins and mistakes. Repentance means that one feels regret and filled with remorse for his or her sins, turns to Allah with the intention to obey Him. Repentance is to repent from the heart, to train the heart into obedience and to make a resolution to never commit the sin again. Repentance is the most noble and beloved form of obedience in the eyes of Allah the All Mighty.
Tawbah Nasuh means a pure and sincere repentance that perfectly reforms and improves the one who feels it or in my opinion, this tawbah nasuh can be called as a genuine repentance.


Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 9: Menggapai Keutamaan Dzikir

Article by Prof. Dr. Marsigit,M.A.
reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

Dzikir means mentioning and remembering. Dzikrullah means mention and remembrance of Allah SWT. Good Dzikir is a dzikir that includes two meanings above; mention and remember. Dzikir by simply mention by the oral, without using the the heart can still be rewarded, but of course this kind of dzikir is at the lowest level. Dzikir with the oral without using the heart and minds could have an impact on a person's heart and faith, but the effect is not as big as dzikir with using the heart. It is best to dzikir with the oral and the heart.


Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 8: Tata Cara atau Adabnya Orang Berdoa

Article by Prof. Dr. Marsigit,M.A.
Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

Prayer becomes something that permeated in every Muslims, because prayer is direct communication of a servant to the Creator. Prayer is a bridge where people can talk, ask, beg and hope.

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 5: Cantraka Hitam Menguji Ilmu Hitamnya

Article by Prof. Dr. Marsigit,M.A.
reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati

From this elegy,we know that Cantraka Hitam have a bad attitude called arrogance. Arrogance is a blameworthy characteristic which is the feature of Iblees and his cohorts in this world, those on whose hearts Allaah has placed a seal.

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