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Article by : Dr. Marsigit,M.A Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati Character-based education’s aim is to build Indonesian pe...
Telaah Referensi Ini Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika bersama Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A. ...
Oleh : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati 1. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan Ontologi Matematika, dan berilah contohnya. Jawab : O...
Article by Mr. Marsigit Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati From the article above, it was informedthat the identity principle does not...
Article by Mr. Marsigit reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati As a teacher, we should know that mathematics in school or mathematics for ...
Article by Mr. Marsigit Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati I agree with you, Sir. The learning process for students should not be gene...
Article by Prof. Dr.Marsigit,M.A. Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati Actually, no one human in this world freed from sin, although sma...
Article by Mr. Marsigit Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati We should know that all of our form of wealth will be judged . ...
Article by Mr. Marsigit Reflected by Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati Effort that we did would be meaningless if it is not accompanied wit...
In our lesson that day, Mr. Marsigit show us some videos that related to english mathematics. The first video is video entitled ‘What ...
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