Learning Algebra from Worked Example
A summary of "Learning Algebra from Worked Example" by Karin e. Lange, Julie L. Booth, and Kristie J. Newton
“Presenting examples of both
correctly and incorrectly worked solutions is a practical classroom strategy
that helps students counter misconceptions about algebra.”
Karin e. Lange, Julie L. Booth, and Kristie J. Newton
Karin e. Lange, Julie L. Booth, and Kristie J. Newton
Truly understand about the concept of algebra is important for student in solving many algebraic problem. If they have any misconception, then they will find difficulty in learning algebra. Other than that, their misconception will affect their future mathematics learning. Thus, we should have a solution to help them. A worked example is a practical classroom strategy that can helps student to counter misconceptions about algebra Worked example will give student information of how to solve kind of problem step by step. Hopefully student can get deeper understanding about algebraic concept.
In worked example strategy, students are forced to make a self explanation about the step that used in solving a problem. Other than that, worked example use both correct and incorrect solution. When the student analysing the correct and incorrect worked example, they will get some challenging experiences. By that strategy, hopefully student can understand about wrong ways or steps that will lead them to the wrong solution and will be helped in understanding the matter.
Worked example strategy not only can be done in solving equation problem, but also in word problems, problems with graphs, and number lines.
After knowing those facts about the worked example strategy. Teachers may be able to use the strategy in their classroom in case of helping students get better in Algebra. Teachers can adapt a learning strategy that focus on the questions and use ask students to discuss the worked examples. Of course this learning strategy can be done in a variety of ways.
This strategy is suggested to every mathematics teachers because this strategy can help all students to explore mathematical reasoning and build a good conceptual understanding of algebra.