Minggu, 31 Maret 2013
that day, Mr. Marsigit show us certain videos about mathematics and english. He
just ordered us to make reflection just from the videos about mathematics. That
are video about inverse function and quadratical form and from video about a student that give a
speech entitled ‘Do You Believe in Me ?’
Dialog Internasional 3 Pendidikan Matematika
Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
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Article by : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
I agree with Mr. Marsigit’s opinion, adult's trust to the younger is very important. The teacher should trust that his/her students will perform their competencies if they get a chance and facilitation. As a teacher, we must facilitate our student to construct their knowledge. We can facilitate our student by make a blog that provide many article that can be used as a student worksheet like this blog. After that, we must trust our student that they will perform their competencies by doing some comment or reflection based on the article.
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
I agree with Mr. Marsigit’s opinion, adult's trust to the younger is very important. The teacher should trust that his/her students will perform their competencies if they get a chance and facilitation. As a teacher, we must facilitate our student to construct their knowledge. We can facilitate our student by make a blog that provide many article that can be used as a student worksheet like this blog. After that, we must trust our student that they will perform their competencies by doing some comment or reflection based on the article.
Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013
Artikel Populer: Pendidikan Karakter dalam Pendidikan Matematika
Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
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Article by : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
Character-based education’s aim is to build Indonesian
people that have character so that many bad or negative things can be
minimized, anticipated, and eliminated. In order to do that, need cooperation
from the goverment, the community, educators, and parents. And teachers as the
responsible party for the character-based education in schools should always
make corrections and improve the quality of teaching. Before that, we, as a teacher, must be able
to define and implement the basic concepts of school mathematics.
Peran Intuisi Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika
Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
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Article by : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
To construct their knowledge, student need to have an intuition.
So that, mathematics education should be able to facilitate student to develop
their intuition. In learning mathematics, students should get meaningful
experience so they can develop their intuition that can be used to construct
their knowledge. So, we as an educator should be able to be a good facilitator
for them in learning process so that they can optimize their own intuition.
Minggu, 24 Maret 2013
Mathematics and Language 10
Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
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Article by: Dr. Marsigit,M.A.
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
In my opinion, IT is a good way to facilitate the learner to
improve their experience. For example is this blog, we as Mr. Marsigit’s
student, are able to develop ours skill in english mathematics. In this blog we
are able to improve our experience, way of thinking, knowledge, and etc without
limitation of ideas.
So, we, by this blog, can construct our own english by doing
some reflection on many article that provided in this blog.
Mathematics and Language 13
Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
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Article by : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
For the younger learner, mathematics should be a concret
activity, so their will be able to directly solve many problem in daily life. And
then they will be able to understand the pattern not just memorize the formula
to solve a problem.
We shouldnot force the younger learner to learn mathematics
because if we just give them knowledge and solution for some problem, their
creativity will be limited my our egoism. Beside that, without understanding
the pattern, the younger learner couldnt
be able to solve another problem even if that problem is similar to the problem
Why do you think people's basic math skills are weak?
Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
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Article by : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
Student have different characters, so that they have their
own way to learn mathematics. We as a teacher, can not force them to learn
mathematics. And for the younger student, mathematics should be a concret
activity so the student wont just memorize but able to understand the pattern
and then they wiil be able to solve many kind of problem by themselves.
The problem is how we as an educator can make some
innovative way of teaching so that the student can learn mathematics happily.
Mathematics and Language 9
Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
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Article by : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
I agree with Mr. Marsigit’s opinion. We already know that student have different character, so that we can not teach them by the same way. We should develop our method of teaching so that our student can learn happily. In order to develop our method of teaching, we need to be a researcher in the class, so that we can find some new method to be implemented in our teaching learning process.
Mathematics and Language 8
Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
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Article by : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
As a teacher, beside we must implement the innovative method
of teaching, its a must to have a communicative language. Especially if
we are a teacher of a younger student that basically still lack of vocabulary. For
the younger learner it willbe more realistic with learn the concrete
mathematics. So we need to approach our younger student with mathematics of
their world.
Mathematics and Language 7
Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
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Article by : Dr. Marsigit,M.A
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
Reflected by : Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
I agree with Mr. Marsigit’s opinion, communication is very
important. If we want to be a good teacher, we should be a good facilitator for
student to improve their own knowledge. To be a good facilitator, we should be
a good communicator. We should be able to communicate to the student clearly
and make nice athmosphere of teaching learning process, so that student can
learn happily.
Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013
Classroom Reflection IV (from english lesson on March 11th, 2013 with Mr. Marsigit)
Agusti Eka Dyah Larasati
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In our lesson that day, Mr.
Marsigit show us some videos that related to english mathematics. The first
video is video entitled ‘What you know about math’. There is a song inside the
video, and the lyrics is as follows :
What you know about
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
Hey, don’t you know I represent Math League
when I add shorty subtract
Freshmen backpack where I’m holding all my work at
Freshmen backpack where I’m holding all my work at
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
I know all about math
Answers 44
It’s real easy cuz of sig figs
You got 45 you rounded high
Your answers too big
It’s real easy cuz of sig figs
You got 45 you rounded high
Your answers too big
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
I know all about math
Solar Edition you know I’m shining dawg
Extra memory, I look back to do my natural log
You know we multiply
while memorizing pi
take limits to the sky
be sure to simplify
graphing utility
that’s trinonometry
One hundred I’m math b
dont you cheat off me
distance is rate times time
the sine graph aint a line
exponential decline
but your score cant beat mine
Solar Edition you know I’m shining dawg
Extra memory, I look back to do my natural log
You know we multiply
while memorizing pi
take limits to the sky
be sure to simplify
graphing utility
that’s trinonometry
One hundred I’m math b
dont you cheat off me
distance is rate times time
the sine graph aint a line
exponential decline
but your score cant beat mine
We’re memorizing grades
for our mathly states
against the mathly greats
not getting many dates
I got to find a mate
but girls just playa hate
and always make me wait (can’t even integrate)
Dont you know I represent Math League
for our mathly states
against the mathly greats
not getting many dates
I got to find a mate
but girls just playa hate
and always make me wait (can’t even integrate)
Dont you know I represent Math League
when I add shorty subtract
freshmen backpack where I’m holding all my work at
freshmen backpack where I’m holding all my work at
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
What you know about math?
I know all about math
playing that video, Mr. Marsigit show us a video about degrees. The video told
us that degrees are measured by one full counterclockwise
rotation. 360o is equal to one revolution of minute hand in a
counterclockwise, so that 1o is equal to 1 over 360 full revolution.
90o is equal to one over four full revolution, this angle also
called right angle. And then we also already know about another degree
measurement that called straight angle that have measure of its angle is 180o
or equal to half of the full revolution of counterclockwise. Beside that, the
video also told us about other unit that we can use to measure angle, that unit
is called radian. It uses radius of a circle to measure the angle. The video
told us how to convert radians into degree and vise verse. In the degree unit,
one full revolution is equal to 360o, in the radian, one full
revolution is equal to 2π
radians, so that 360o is equal to 2π radians. And then we can get 180o
is equal to π radian,
so that 1o = π/180o radian, we can use it to convert
degrees to radians. On the other side, we will get 1 radian = 180o/ π that we can use to convert
from radian to degree.
The next video is about limit by
inspection. That video told us about how to use inspection to determine the limit. Inspection can be
used whenever the form of the limit is c/0 with c ≠ 0. That is, inspection can
be used whenever the denominator is going to 0 and the numerator is not going
to 0. Inspection cannot be used when the limit has the form 0/0. Beside that
Inspection also can be used whenever a limit has the form c over ±∞ with c ≠ ±∞. That is, inspection can be used
whenever the denominator goes to either ∞ or - ∞ and the numerator goes to a particular number
not ±∞.
The fourth video is video entitled
Golden X. The video told us about how to find the X in
equation with shortcut method. That video just show about how to find X in
equation through some method like adding any constanta.
And then, the fifth video is a video
about integers. The video told us that integers are whole number and its
negative form. In other word, integers can be positive, negative or zero, but
integers cant be decimal or fraction. The easiest way to visualize the integers
is to put them in the number line. The number of the number line have no end or
in the other word it is called infinity. Integers made up from digits, and
every digit goes in a certain place. The first number in the integer is unit
place (last digit), move to the left we will meet the tens place, and then the
hundreds place, thousand place, ten thousands place, hundred thousands place
and so on.
The sixth
video is about multiplying exponent. From the video, we can learn that when multiplying exponents,
the only requirement is that the bases
of the exponential expressions have to be the same. To multiply powers
of the same base, add the exponents together: xa × xb = xa+b . If there’s more than one base in an expression
with powers, you can combine
the numbers with the same bases, find the values,
and then write them all together. For example, xa
× yc × xb × yd= xa+b ×
last video is about function. The video told us that function
terminology is algebraic statement that have 2 or more variable that have
relation between each other. Relation is a numerical expression in equation or
inequality. For example, we have variable x and y, then if we know x that’s
mean we can find y. If we want to find the value of some equation that have
more than one equation for example x and y, without x we can’t find y, and if
we already to know the value of x we have to made y by itself.
In my opinion, many of videos that
we have watched still represent about traditional way of teaching because on
that videos we just watched someone talking and explaining. But some of them
has its own interesting part.
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- Peran Intuisi Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika
- Mathematics and Language 10
- Mathematics and Language 13
- Why do you think people's basic math skills are weak?
- Mathematics and Language 9
- Mathematics and Language 8
- Mathematics and Language 7
- Classroom Reflection IV (from english lesson on Ma...
- Mathematics and Language 2
- Classroom Reflection III (from english lesson on M...
- Classroom Reflection II (from english lesson on Fe...
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